Maintain a robust inventory database with search & filter tools for costumes, props, set, lights, and sound.
Share available items with potential renters to capitalize on new revenue streams.
Track past, current, and future inventory use across productions and rentals.
Inventory Project
New inventory management features tailored to the needs of theatre & opera companies.
Phase 1 – Create and Share Your Inventory
Filter Items with New Tags & Fields
Item Types, Color, Weight, Replacement Value, Keywords, & Public Details

Upload Multiple Photos per Item

Share Your Inventory Publicly
Allow Guest Designers and Rental Clients to Search & Filter.

Phase 2 – Working with Your Inventory
Improved Import Process
Import existing inventories with all the new fields.

Bulk Edit & Clone Items

Share Filtered Sets of Inventory
Share a Partial Inventory Filtered by Department, Type, or Keyword.
For example, “Designer wants to see a list of all your side tables.”

Phase 3 – Inventory & the Production Process
Add Notes & To-Dos to Items
Note changes to be made when an item is pulled or alterations during production.
Use Notes to Keep your Inventory Up To Date.

Assign Items to Shows and Actors

See an Item’s Usage History