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About Production Book Webpages

Resources for team members viewing scheduling and logistics links

Here is a video explaining all about how Production Book Links work!
[ultimate_modal modal_title=”Transcript” btn_size=”lg” btn_bg_color=”#bababa” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff” modal_on_align=”left” btn_text=”Transcript” modal_size=”medium” img_size=”80″]Greetings, I’m Mel from Propared!

If you’re seeing this video, then you’re probably working with an organization that’s using Propared, and you’ve probably received a link to some shared information!

We know how important it is to have accurate information, and that trying to keep up with frequent changes can be frustrating.

Propared is built to ensure that information is easy to access and is always up to date.

Let’s quickly walk you through what you’ll see when you receive information through Propared, and what you can do with it.

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In Propared, information is shared via Webpages. You can receive a link in a variety of ways depending on how your organization chooses to communicate with you. Just open the link on your computer or your phone using a web browser. There are no logins, passwords to remember or apps to download. Each time you visit or refresh the page, it will update with the most current information.

We recommend bookmarking these webpages on both your desktop and mobile phones so you can quickly get to them. You can even create a book-mark as an icon right on the home screen of your phone.

Each link is comprised of one or more pages of information depending what a manager has chosen to include, this can be a schedule, notes & to-dos, file attachments, a list of locations, a contact list, and show requirements.

To navigate between the pages on a desktop just click on the tabs. If you’re on a mobile device, you’ll want to click the menu icon at the top.

Let’s look at the schedule page as a good example of what you can do.

You can switch between several layouts including Year, Month, Week, Day, and List so you can view your schedule in the way you are most comfortable with. In some layouts you’ll see colored cells that you can click on to see more details as well as select specific dates to view or advance to the next set of dates.

You may see a button that says “General Notes” where a manager can include notes relevant to this link overall.

If you click on the “Filters” button, you’ll be presented with a set of filters so you can drill down to just the things that you want to look at.

For example, let’s say you receive a company calendar but you only want to see the things that you’ve been associated with. Just click on “Team”, and select your name. You can also search by typing into the box. You can filter for multiple things at the same time, like showing your work for only a single project or show only things that have changed recently. To clear the filter, click the “Reset” button on the right.

By clicking the “Info” button you’ll see when the URL was last updated and which timezone you’re viewing times in. You’ll also see a second link that you can use to embed the schedule as a read-only calendar in personal calendar apps like Google, Outlook, or Apple calendars. This way you can see your show information along side your personal schedule.

Once embedded this calendar will refresh automatically. Due to the variability in refresh time of different calendar programs, there can be a delay. Using the webpage schedule will ensure you’re always up to date.

The “Project Key” button will show you a color-code for the projects in this schedule.

Let’s take a look at some of the other pages you might see.

Notes can show you upcoming tasks to be completed.

Attachments can show you a list of files, links, websites, forms or other digital assets associated with a show or your organization.

Locations can provide a list of locations and addresses you might want to reference or navigate to.

Team is your contact list, which can also show you roles, pictures, or contact information.

Requirements can display a list of equipment and other needs associated with a project or multiple projects and can include budget information.

Your manager can include any of these tabs, or just a single one, depending on what they want to share with you, and you can filter these pages in the same way as the schedule.

You may receive Propared webpage links via email. If you get one, it will look something like this:

In it you’ll see a message from the sender and the webpage link.

If you reply to these emails, it will go directly to the person who sent it.

If you have any questions about how Propared works, or if you have any feedback for us, just head over to and click on the chat icon!

Thanks and have a great day!


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